Yoga, Movement Medicine & Pilates Teachers at Yama Studios Glasgow

Our teachers at Yama are highly trained professionals who teach exercises and tools to help improve your lifestyle. This happens naturally with practice and paying attention to the sensations of the body and the fluctuations of the mind.

YAMA Studios Glasgow YAMA Studios Glasgow

Sandra Conte

Hi ! I am absolutely delighted to offer a couple of Kundalini yoga classes weekly at Yama Studios Glasgow

I certified in Prague in 2015 and taught from my home studio and at the Kundalini Yoga Centre in Prague for 4 years.

I would like to share this practice with joy and welcome you into a sacred space where you can go deep within whilst connecting with the group energy.

Kundalini yoga works on strengthening the nervous system so we can withstand the pressure of the times and face it with more ease and grace. It aims at energising the body systems, and engages us on a journey through our subtle anatomy, our spirit and purpose. It aims at activating our creative power, restoring our focus and developing resilience, intuition, and our capacity for meditation and heart based living.

Kundalini yoga found its way to me following a long period of bereavement that started in my teenage years. It has given me tools to activate change within me that I will cherish for a lifetime. It helped me embrace all parts of life and become a keen observer of my inner world, even when it looks ugly.

Expect to breathe, chant, move , visualise, relax and meditate during this well rounded sacred yoga practice.

Wear comfortable loose clothing (white optional) and bring a cosy jumper or shawl for meditation. A lot of the practice is on the floor with few standing poses.

Cushions, blankets and mats provided by the studio.

Class times :

• Tuesday morning 8-9.30 am (starting 9th July 2024)

• Wednesday evenings 8-9.30 pm

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YAMA Studios Glasgow YAMA Studios Glasgow

Amira Kremers

"Hello everyone! I am a multi-disiplinary yoga instructor, bodyworker, Consensual Touch Coach and Sexological bodyworker (in-training) with an immense passion to get you to empower yourself in as many ways as possible. I qualified as a Certified Forrest Yoga Instructor in August 2014. Being a former ballet and contemporary dancer (BA Hons Scottish School Contemporary Dance 2012) and having gone through several serious dance-related injuries, I wanted to give to the world the same healing and nourishing practice that has strengthened and helped my body and mind. With a lot of extensive training on biomechanics and anatomical studies, I devoted my focus predominately on the prevention, rehabilitation and understanding of hyper-mobility within movement. My classes are all lead with the integration of mind, body and breath in a step by step way which can be adapted to all levels. I look forward to welcoming you all at the sanctuary that is YAMA Studios, whether through yoga on Tuesday lunch times and Friday evenings, or chosen treatments in the therapy room!"

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YAMA Studios Glasgow YAMA Studios Glasgow

Natalie McFadyen White

Fáilte! I am Natalie, a Vinyasa Flow and Yin Teacher based in Dennistoun, Glasgow. I am passionate about Yoga and aim to create a welcoming space for everyone.

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YAMA Studios Glasgow YAMA Studios Glasgow

Daniela Dinardo

Daniela Dinardo - Vinyasa Flow -Thursday 6pm

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