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Winter Solstice Gathering

Winter Solstice Gathering

Sunday, 17th December, 2023
11.00am – 6.00pm
Held by Barbara Sellars

At the turning point of the year, you are invited to this Winter Solstice Gathering, to come and to dance with all that has been for you over the year now passing and to let go of what needs to be shed.

There will be time to reflect, to share experiences, to dance and to sit for a while in darkness together, followed by a candle-lighting ritual to welcome the seeds of intention for the year to come.

You will need:

  • a notebook and pen

  • photos/symbols of what feels important to you from the year just lived.

  • You might also wish to bring a cushion and blanket to stay warm and comfortable during our quiet, dark time.

  • You will also need something for a short lunch break, around 1.30/2.00pm

    This is not a drop-in event - booking is essential. Cost: £45pp

To Book:
by BACS to Barbara Sellars
Sort Code: 83 25 15
Account No: 00192525
(please give your name as reference when making a booking).

16 December

Yoga & Gong

31 December

New Year Releasing and Intention Setting Practice