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Whispers of the Soul - Biodanza

  • Yama Studios Glasgow 7 Milnbank Street Glasgow, Scotland, G31 3AY United Kingdom (map)

Dear Friends

We are gathering to celebrate the festive season in Yama Studios in Glasgow.  Thank you to those that have booked their space.

Biodanza Winter Workshop  "Whispers of the Soul"

Please email to book your place.We have a beautiful group coming already - there are still a few spaces remaining if you are yearning for a soulful day/ 

Come to enjoy some mindful movement through Biodanza and connection with like-minded people in community.

🌟 Dances of Peace

🌟 Dances of Dreams

🌟 Dances to nurture the heart and each other

🌟 Making space for the soul to speak 

Give yourself a gift this Christmas/festive season, taking bookings now 

With Love

Catherine ✨

Schedule for the Day

10th Dec 11-4.30pm

11.00- 11.15 Arrive and registration, tea

11.15-12.00 Sharing circle

12.00-1.30    Morning vivencia/session

1.30 lunch

2.30-3.00 Sharing vivencia

3.00-4.30 - Afternoon vivencia/session

Payment Details:


*Bank Transfer Details, 

Catherine Canning 

RBS - 00745898, Sort code 83-25-45* 

Please pay to book your place & use your full name for reference  

We don't want anyone to not attend due to lack of resources. Please contact me if you need a subsidised place or to book now and pay later. 💜

9 December

Cuddle Workshop

16 December

Yoga & Gong