Lauren Hardie

HHello! My name is Lauren (she/her) and I found yoga, among many other practices, during a time in my life when I could not see the light around me. The art of connecting to my body and breath allowed me to understand my Self deeper, and replace lacklustre habits with ones that actually fed my soul. As a registered nurse, I find it difficult at times to slow down both physically and mentally and prioritise myself in this busy world so the practices I share in Yama will encourage you to do just that.

I’ve been practicing since my late teens and for me movement isn’t about achieving the perfect pose or being the most flexible. It is about being mindful, present and accepting who you are, exactly as you are. The most important factor of being a yoga teacher for me is holding a safe space for you to explore your own body and mind because ultimately your time on the mat is exactly that. Yours.

In Yama I lead the Ashtanga Primary Series in a way which is accessible for all. Ashtanga is a set sequence popularised by Pattabhi Jois and his guru Krishnamacharya in India with a big emphasis on moving your body in coordination with the breath. The set structure of the practice is designed to help you quickly build strength, overall wellness and work through mental blocks. Ashtanga can help everyone from beginners to more advanced yoga practitioners.

I also hold space for Sound Healing and Pranayama sessions. Sound healing involves using specialised frequencies to promote deep rest, nervous system rebalancing, and emotional release. The aim of this class is to relax fully, build your connection with your body and mind as well as boost your immune function. I include breath work techniques and gentle floor asanas prior to the Sound session to ensure our bodies are as free from tension as they can be, before we find stillness and look inward. This practice is suitable for all levels. 

I hope to see you on the mat soon,

Lauren X


Barbara Sellars


Amira Kremers