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Imbolc, Dancing our Dreams

  • Yama Studios Glasgow 7 Milnbank Street Glasgow, Scotland, G31 3AY United Kingdom (map)

Imbolc, Dancing our Dreams
Biodanza Workshop 
with Catherine Canning

The celtic celebration of springtime, a wondrous time of new beginnings, the natural world awakens, calling new vibrancy into our life, bringing fertility to our dreams. Let’s dance to awaken the body and awaken new life in tune with nature.

Schedule for the Day

10.30 Arrive and registration, tea

Verbal Sharing circle

Morning vivencia/Biodanza session

1.00 lunch break

2.30pm Verbal Sharing circle

Afternoon vivencia/Biodanza session

4.30 End of Dance 

Tea afterwards close 5pm

For more Info on the Catherine see here:

Payment Details:

£ 40 early bird 21st January then £50pp

*Bank Transfer Details, Catherine Canning 

RBS - 00745898, Sort code 83-25-45* 

Please pay to book your place & use your full name for reference. 

Please contact me if you need a subsidised place.

21 January


3 February

Dance Sweet Freedom